Saturday, 21 July 2007

Max and the Canary, collectables

Just wanted to introduce you to Max and the Canary. Two of the new guys on the block and the result of a collaboration with Country Artists Ltd. Feel free to check out the entire range at :

And my personal favourite...Pup Idle!!!

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Megan. A study

I work in a variety of styles but over recent years I've been focusing mainly on my 'Russell' style. However, it's important to stay as fresh as possible, so now and again I try to do something different.
I've recently been brushing up on my figure work and began this painting as a body study (from reference) in which I could explore skin tones and form. Before I realised it, the image was on it's way to becoming a finished piece. Please let me have your comments. I'll put more imagery up for your thoughts as and when I can.

Art and storyboard from Russell's Christmas Magic

Here's a spread form Russell's Christmas Magic and the same pages in storyboard form. It is essential that books are planned as a storyboard to establish the flow and design of the story. This is such a rewarding time as the book visually begins to breath and take on a life of it's own.

Russell's Christmas Magic

I am so excited to be able to say that Russell is baa-aaack!
This time it's Christmas, and when Santa loses control of his Sleigh and it crashes in Firefly Wood, the Christmas Spell is broken. To Russell's horror, Santa has no choice but to cancel Christmas. Thankfully our woolly hero has a plan, albeit a ridiculous one. However, with huge dollops of sheepish ingenuity, it just might work. Can Russell save the day?
Russell's Christmas Magic will be unleased in September 2007.
The book has taken thirteen months to finish, and I will be posting some more illustrations and background info later to give you a sense of how the book came about. For now though, here's the cover.
I would love to know your thoughts about the Russell books so far, and as the bookcover is such a hugely vital component, I would very much value your thoughts and comments about this and all the Russell covers. Actually, maybe you could tell me what YOU believe makes a good book cover.
Constructive feedback is always welcome so please...pen away.

Go to Sleep Russell the Sheep

July saw the release of a new Russell offering, it's a fun take on the original Russell and produced as a board book -nigh indestructible to those little, sticky, curious fingers. When Russell finally manages to reach the land of nod, we are treated to the sound of his contented snoring thanks to the inclusion of a snoring device, activated by opening the final page - Can you see what we did there? Technology, heh! Enjoy!